Numerous surveys show that many people hate engaging in SERIOUS THINKING. Only a few regularly think critically and strategically. But, even for those few who practice deep thinking, the DAILY PRESSURE of life and work causes many, including executives, to default to tactical thinking. The challenge is...

Many small business owners, authors, coaches, consultants, brokers, and investors are very busy, and their plates are full. They've limited time, energy, and expertise to manage their branding, marketing, and sales. As a result, they: 1. Are unable to attract as many clients as they desire,...

There is no debate among high performers and successful people concerning the importance of growth. It looks like they grow HOLISTICALLY in 3 common development areas. Of course, they may not grow uniformly in all three growth areas at a given time. They may not also...

If you had known me before 2005 while in Ethiopia, you may still recognize me as a researcher. If we had hung out or worked together before or around 2010, you might have identified me as a software engineer or an IT or Project Management...

In the 21st C, credibility is no longer just a MORAL obligation. It is a Business STRATEGY too! More than ever, clients expect a business to possess a high level of credibility to stay loyal to it. A business's quality or price competitiveness alone no...