When you lose badly, the least you can do is reinvent yourself as soon as possible! The 2024 election was a blood bath where the Democratic Party lost all swing states, the Presidency, and both Houses. I’m an INDEPENDENT without affiliation to any party, but I firmly...

Many small business owners, authors, coaches, consultants, brokers, and investors are very busy, and their plates are full. They've limited time, energy, and expertise to manage their branding, marketing, and sales. As a result, they: 1. Are unable to attract as many clients as they desire,...

You might have faced the same frustrations and disappointments if you have moved around the country. Some organizations kiss your boot and give you discounts, bonuses, and some perks to sign you up. Nonetheless, they make it complicated when you leave by: 1. Creating inconvenience, 2. Overcharging...

If you had known me before 2005 while in Ethiopia, you may still recognize me as a researcher. If we had hung out or worked together before or around 2010, you might have identified me as a software engineer or an IT or Project Management...