Numerous surveys show that many people hate engaging in SERIOUS THINKING. Only a few regularly think critically and strategically. But, even for those few who practice deep thinking, the DAILY PRESSURE of life and work causes many, including executives, to default to tactical thinking. The challenge is...

  One of the neglected areas in leadership development is Leadership Transitions. Companies promote their A players who outperform their peers to become supervisors, team leaders, or project managers without properly empowering them- before or immediately after promoting them- to make a smooth transition and excel...

Even experienced leaders find providing tough feedback challenging. The toughest part is offering it to the people you love and those who have leverage over you, including your superiors. The stakes are high: 1. Since you care about these relationships, you don't want to rock the boat,...

I’m writing a trilogy on the theme "Leadership Transitions." The first book (1 of 3) in this series aims at empowering 1st time supervisors, project managers, and team leaders to make a smooth transition and excel at their new leadership role from the get-go. The book...

Many small business owners, authors, coaches, consultants, brokers, and investors are very busy, and their plates are full. They've limited time, energy, and expertise to manage their branding, marketing, and sales. As a result, they: 1. Are unable to attract as many clients as they desire,...