Numerous surveys show that many people hate engaging in SERIOUS THINKING. Only a few regularly think critically and strategically. But, even for those few who practice deep thinking, the DAILY PRESSURE of life and work causes many, including executives, to default to tactical thinking. The challenge is...

Today is Polar Bear Day! On this day, let's draw three business and leadership lessons to honor these majestic creations: 1. Patience. Polar Bears are known for patient hunting. They take their time painstakingly and calculate the optimal time to hunt. Leaders and entrepreneurs make the...

Without knowing, many executives and senior leaders dedicate their scarce time, energy, and other resources to tactical thinking and execution… I don't blame them. Daily pressures such as immediate needs, acute problems, emergencies, deadlines, and short-term priorities predispose them to let go of strategic thinking. By the...

If you had known me before 2005 while in Ethiopia, you may still recognize me as a researcher. If we had hung out or worked together before or around 2010, you might have identified me as a software engineer or an IT or Project Management...

In the 21st C, credibility is no longer just a MORAL obligation. It is a Business STRATEGY too! More than ever, clients expect a business to possess a high level of credibility to stay loyal to it. A business's quality or price competitiveness alone no...