DEI is a bone of contention. Some support, advocate, and promote it, while others remain skeptical. I strongly believe that if DEI programs are designed and delivered properly, they bring tremendous results for all inhabitants of the culture and the greater good. Our DEI programs are designed...

Whenever I facilitate workshops such as "Interpersonal Communication" and "Building Partnerships and Coalitions" and the like, Networking is one of the themes covered. I use a 'funnel' with a very wide top and a very narrow bottom to explain the importance of going out and networking...

I’ll be in the beautiful city of Tampa, FL, in August. If you’re a fellow trainer, business broker, investment advisor, or commercial real estate professional, let’s connect offline and see if we can meet while I’m there. I want to learn what you do and see...

Gary Vaynerchuk recently advocated for Soft skills. Here is what he posted on his LinkedIn account: "Once everyone realizes that the “soft skills” are actually the “hard skills,” the world 🌎 and the business world 🌍 will get much, much better .. and the person...