The recent gestures of Elon Musk have drawn fierce criticisms. Are these criticisms fair? Let me respond to this question by wearing two different hats. As an African immigrant, Elon Musk is one of my heroes. I consider him once in a century genius. You don't need to agree with...

You must be mindful and intentional when reaching out to high performers and influencers. First, they're very busy, and their plates are full. Second, whether they're aware of it or not, they have some filtering mechanisms that have helped them protect their precious time and energy. That is...

In this clip, I proposed four recommendations to tap into & leverage the learning industry for economic transformation. I was born & raised in Ethiopia. I'm a learning professional who has: 1. Authored six books 2. Over a decade of practical experience in the US, coaching and training...

In this short clip, I showed how we Ethiopians don’t leverage the learning industry as much as we should. Though the US and Ethiopia are in different stages of development and have differing cultural attributes, I gave some numbers to show how we’re far behind...

Learning professionals play crucial roles in the economic transformation of many countries. They assist in shortening the learning curve, improving performance, increasing productivity, leveraging the latest technologies, and adopting efficient systems, processes, and workable practices. In this Amharic video, I attempted to assess the state of...