When you lose badly, the least you can do is reinvent yourself as soon as possible! The 2024 election was a blood bath where the Democratic Party lost all swing states, the Presidency, and both Houses. I’m an INDEPENDENT without affiliation to any party, but I firmly...

Numerous surveys show that many people hate engaging in SERIOUS THINKING. Only a few regularly think critically and strategically. But, even for those few who practice deep thinking, the DAILY PRESSURE of life and work causes many, including executives, to default to tactical thinking. The challenge is...

Overcoming societal pressure, self-doubt, and toxic criticism is an uphill battle. Very few ignore these and trust their guts, intuition, and the truth they have discovered. One common approach such people adopt is turning a blind eye and deaf ears to societal pressure, self-doubt, and disempowering...

  One of the neglected areas in leadership development is Leadership Transitions. Companies promote their A players who outperform their peers to become supervisors, team leaders, or project managers without properly empowering them- before or immediately after promoting them- to make a smooth transition and excel...