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Learning professionals play crucial roles in the economic transformation of many countries. They assist in shortening the learning curve, improving performance, increasing productivity, leveraging the latest technologies, and adopting efficient systems, processes, and workable practices.

In this Amharic video, I attempted to assess the state of this industry in Ethiopia and what should be done to take it to the next level so that it plays its rightful role in accelerating Ethiopia’s transformation. In this clip, you’ll get the answers to the following questions:

  1. How and When My Journey As A Learning Professional Started?
  2. Do We Need Learning Professionals in Ethiopia? 
  3. How Many Learning Professionals Do We Need? I shared some stats for comparison…
  4. How Much Should We Compensate Learning Professionals?
  5. How Can We Take This Industry to The Next Level?

If you’re wondering who should watch it:

  1. Policy Makers at the Federal and Government Agency Levels. 
  2. CEOs, COOs, CHROs, and so on.
  3. Learning Professionals such as motivational/keynote speakers, coaches, consultants, and trainers.
  4. Anyone who is interested to grow and succeed in their life, career, and business.

When you watch this video, you will hear some interesting stories, including:

  1. What used to motivate me, like every other youth in Harar, and what happened that changed me forever?
  2. As an immigrant who started from scratch when I immigrated to the US in 2005, what helped me to stay motivated?  
  3. How attending Nelson Mandela’s memorial service in South African Embassy in DC showed me the huge difference between how we Ethiopians and South Africans mourn.
  4. What are some of the competitiveness foreign banks will bring that local banks haven’t yet recognized?
  5. What stunned me during my visit to Ghana, as President of the AAU Students’ Union, where I witnessed the tolerance culture of Ghanaians and what we can learn from them.
  6. Why did I use JFK’s famous line, “We will put a man on the moon at the end of the decade.’
  7. What frustrateD (may still frustrate) one of the top keynote speakers in Ethiopia.
  8. And many more.

In the near future, I’ll interview some learning professionals both in the diaspora and back home in Ethiopia. Who would you like me to interview, and what questions would you like us to cover? 

Let me also know your opinion about this topic.