Critical and Strategic Thinking

Numerous surveys show that many people hate engaging in SERIOUS THINKING. Only a few regularly think critically and strategically.
But, even for those few who practice deep thinking, the DAILY PRESSURE of life and work causes many, including executives, to default to tactical thinking.

The challenge is magnified in this social media era where we’re bombarded by unsolicited, invalidated, and unverified bitesize information without stopping.

Unless we slow down and engage in critical thinking by questioning POPULAR THOUGHTS and GOVERNING PRINCIPLES that haven’t been scrutinized seriously, we will ‘LOSE’ one of the most important functions of our MIND, leading us to do the same things again and again without making any significant PROGRESS and attaining any BREAKTHROUGHS.
Worse, we may buy into LIES, propaganda, and misinformation, which in turn could lead to making huge MISTAKES, damaged REPUTATION, and even lawsuits…

Unless we question our own outdated and faulty beliefs and wrong assumptions, we end up THINKING SMALL, LOWERING OUR BARS, making POOR DECISIONS, and taking MEDIOCRE ACTIONS. We also struggle to POSITION ourselves, our teams, and our organizations to have STRATEGIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES by thinking strategically, planning, and translating our plans into results by executing flawlessly.

Watch this clip and let me know what you think: FYI, this was taken on Saturday afternoon at Tampa RiverWalk. I got for you some beautiful activities such as large and small boats in action, and more…


If you’re interested in getting one-on-one coaching with me and taking your critical and strategic thinking to the next level, there is a HOT DEAL right now that you shouldn’t miss. Grab your spot before it disappears:

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