How to Perform Without Stressing Out

I used to hurt my health and relationships by frequently crossing the delicate line between high performance and stress. What helped me overcome this dire challenge while still performing well?

1. Recognizing where the line is. You can be a high performer without stressing out as far as you know the boundary. What you don’t know can hurt you.

2. Leaving quickly when I find myself crossing the line. You can’t always avoid stress until you develop personal mastery. But you can place some signposts that alert you the moment you enter the red zone.

3. Using some techniques that enable me never to come close to the line. I use a combination of methods. For example, lowering my brain wavelength as soon as I sense a trace of stress. Some approaches can help you leave the stressful beta and enter alpha or even into theta to bypass stress, perform, create, and innovate at a higher level without stressing out and harming yourself and the well-being of those around you…

We have a personal development pathway that can help you beat the above challenge and more:

Reach out also for any questions and to schedule a one-on-one consultation: [email protected]