17 Feb When Ego Becomes BIG, The Soul Shrinks and Vice Versa
Ego defrauded many people without them even knowing it. Their ego made them wrongly believe that people with less ego are:
1. Humble,
2. Reserved, and
3. Contented.
What a lie!? This is directly from the ego for its self-preservation purposes.
The ego is temporal and always cares about immediacies and ‘self protections,’ sometimes unnecessary self protections.
Otherwise, some dose of ego is essential. I never met anyone, including the known religious leaders we all admire, who didn’t have a measured ego.
One can’t always be led by the soul. The ego is necessary to protect the body, without which the soul can’t reside on this hostile planet for a spirit.
The highest self within, the soul, is eternal and lives outside the pressure of time and space. The ego lives in our mental space, confounded by time and space. Our souls live in the supernatural universe without any limitations and sense of urgency except to fulfill their assignments on earth (bound by time and space).
When the ego is BIGGER, the highest self or soul SHRINKS. When ego SHRINKS, the highest self MANIFESTS unbounded.
Only BIG ego that doesn’t want you (ego itself) to be:
1. Judged,
2. Criticized,
3. Rejected, and
4. Fail.
Your highest self doesn’t care about popularity contests. It strives to live for the truth and causes bigger than the material self and ego.
I always admire people who SPEAK their minds. Why?
Freedom of Speech is one of my top values for which I paid dire prices and am willing to pay in the future.
One of the reasons I LOVE America and am a proud American is because this is the FREEST country in the world.
Though some forces have been trying to take away this freedom, which they can’t, no place on this planet has superior FREEDOM of SPEECH than the US.
Without FREEDOM of SPEECH, the soul can’t flourish. What is being human if one can’t think independently and express it?! When they try to take away your FREEDOM of SPEECH, they’re attempting to strip you of your humanness.
Returning to liking people who express themselves freely, I don’t judge how loud someone is. I scrutinize what they are loud about.
I can tell whether that loudness comes from a BIG ego or a FREED soul…
#FreedomOfSpeech #Ego #Soul