Two Books That Changed The Trajactory of My Life Forever

It was on April 26th, 2022, at the Hotel at the University of Maryland.

The room was full of event professionals (See the image on the right).

I was on stage with two other panelists and a moderator for the morning keynote panel. We were fielding questions from the moderator.

One of the questions the moderator asked me took me on memory lane back in the early 90s when I began a rewarding journey. I mentioned how two books launched me into a new beginning from which I never recovered.

At the end of the panel, participants were allowed to ask questions. The first question directed toward me was: “What were those two books you mentioned earlier?”

I was glad the participant asked this question, which allowed me to share how these two first personal development books impacted my life early in my leadership.

In this blog, rather than retelling it, I’d like to share with you an expert from my 4th book (with minor editing), “The Highest Level of Greatness” (p. 16 – 18), where I detailed how these two books influenced me.

“…If you are wondering and asking what these books that transformed my thinking were:

  1. What Manner of a Man, the biography of Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence Others.

I. What Manner of a Man

Reading the biography of Martin Luther King (MLK) changed me forever. It expanded my horizons.

For the first time, the story exposed me to see that a black man can become great, have a global impact, and leave an enduring legacy.

Before reading the biography of MLK in the early 90’s, I had never heard of any black leader with global influence.

Of course, afterward, I was exposed to the stories of the first black President of South Africa- Nelson Mandela, and Barack Obama- the first black President of the US. Afterward, I also learned about many other successful and great black men and women like Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, and so on.

Of course, back then, I wasn’t that aware of the powerful influence of the MLK story and how it would transform me forever. It:

  • Inspired,
  • Challenged, and
  • Ultimately, it transformed my thought process and changed my faulty perceptions.

This book radically shifted my belief system and enabled me to experience a quantum leap. Without reading this book, I would not have ventured out for the first time, taken leadership, and pursued my passion at that young age. It transformed me from a follower with a poor self-image to a courageous and self-motivated leader…

II. How to Win Friends and Influence Others

Dale Carnegie’s book, too, had an enduring impact. It empowered me to do something about my newfound revelation concerning unlimited human potential. It showed me the power of communication and its direct and indirect benefits. My journey as an author, coach, facilitator, and speaker was launched after reading his book.

As soon as I read these two books, I went out to practice what I had learned. I volunteered to form a youth association and became the first president.

Soon after, I left my hometown and enrolled at Addis Ababa University (AAU)- the largest university in my country. Back then, AAU had tens of thousands of students, 7 faculties, and 42 departments.

Each department had two representatives at the students’ union CONGRESS. My faculty had around 200 students and two departments, so we sent only two congress members. I was one of the two…

The story is long, but when I became a third-year student, I ran for the presidency and won with overwhelming votes from Congress.

As the President of the Students’ Union, I had golden opportunities such as:

  1. Practiced leadership, serving thousands of students at this ancient and great university.
  2. Made many public speeches, improving my public speaking skills every time I spoke.
  3. Conducted interviews, learning how to handle the media.
  4. Traveled to some African countries such as Ghana, Botswana, and Cote Devore.

Think about this. I was born and raised in one of the poorest villages. Even if that wasn’t enough, I was from the smallest faculty, and nobody knew me when I ran for the presidency. What is more? The faculty was despised by most students at AAU- the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

I was the first one. No one from the science field, let alone from veterinary medicine, has ever assumed one of the top leadership positions at this historic and gigantic university.

Speaking at the keynote panel on April 26th, 2022

That was then when I was a youth. Today, I’ve multiple degrees, including a doctoral degree, six books under my belt, and coaching and training leaders in world-class organizations in the US and abroad.

It is short of a miracle for a guy who began his journey from that lowly place to come this far. Of course, what I’ve accomplished and where I am today may not be that impressive to many people who weren’t where I was initially.

Besides, I’m nowhere near where I intend to finish my race, far from my destiny. The goal of sharing how I began my journey from a humble beginning isn’t to brag about it. I’m inspiring you to begin your unique journey to become your highest self ultimately.

If I could come this far, you have a better chance than I had. It doesn’t matter who you are in life, where you’re from, or what you’ve achieved — you’re greatness material.

The great ones you adore were where you are today, far from their glorious destiny. If you’ve not yet, begin this rewarding journey toward the highest level of greatness now!” p. 16 – 18.

Hope you enjoyed the story…