27 Feb Three Leadership and Entrepreneurship Lessons from Polar Bears
Today is Polar Bear Day! On this day, let’s draw three business and leadership lessons to honor these majestic creations:
1. Patience. Polar Bears are known for patient hunting. They take their time painstakingly and calculate the optimal time to hunt. Leaders and entrepreneurs make the most mistakes when they RUSH DECISIONS and make strategic decisions at the wrong time. Is this the right time to launch this product? Are we ready to scale? Should we be firing these people? If so, should we do it now?
2. Adaptability. Polar Bears inhabit a rapidly changing Arctic weather filled with many uncertainties that threaten their survival. They are skillful and adjust their hunting practice, patterns of migration, and energy utilization in response to Ice conditions and prey availabilities. Leaders and Entrepreneurs who don’t feel comfortable with change and those unwilling to navigate amid uncertainties are liabilities. The world will remain uncertain and unpredictable, and those who adapt to change quickly and boldly by constantly creating and innovating will survive. Those who REINVENT themselves before they are forced are the ones who strategically position their teams and organizations to outlast and even thrive in the aftermath of any change or crisis.
3. Resilience. Polar Bears regulate their energy efficiently to deal with tough times STRATEGICALLY. They survive without food for months by regulating their metabolism and tapping into their fat reserves they strategically built during seasons of abundance. Successful leaders and entrepreneurs don’t get complacent during the ‘summer’. They prepare for ‘winter’ before facing it. They don’t spoil themselves during ‘prosperous’ times and starve during ‘lean’ seasons.
Which of these do you and your leaders practice the most? How did you benefit from them? What can you do today to honor Polar Bears?
#PolarBears #Patient #Resilient #Adaptive #Leaders #Entrepreneurs