Habits Make or Break Your Success

What theme would you choose if you’re a coach and have 1 hour with a coachee? Some years back, I met someone at Toastmasters. He was working on his communication and had seen some improvements.

One day, we had a small talk. Knowing that I’m also a coach, he asked me casually, “If you only have one session with me, what theme would you suggest I focus on next to turn around my life and career?”

I’d not take such a challenge if I had known he was serious. You can’t turn around someone’s life or career in an hour. I said, “I’d focus on your habits.”

“There were hundreds, at least, dozens of areas I could have suggested, why habits?” You may ask. Legit question…

Habits are powerful because once they’re formed, they take the driver’s seat. They become part of you. You don’t even question them. You become blind loyal.

If they’re empowering habits, great! They become dear allies. However, if they’re disempowering, they’re your WORST ENEMY within that you can’t even recognize as foes, let alone defeat…

By the way, the same thing applies to teams, organizations, and communities. Unlike individuals, however, these entities either thrive or suffer because of their CULTURE- The things they do daily without questioning.

Like in the case of habits, cultures enjoy the BLIND LOYALTY of their inhabitants.

If you’ve trained eyes like mine, it doesn’t take you to quickly pinpoint chocking points in a person’s, team’s, organization’s, or community’s future.

1. What are your habits?

2. Which of these are empowering?

3. What do you do with the disempowering ones?

4. What habits are missing that could have taken your life and career to the next level?

Ask the above questions for your team, organization, and community.

If you or your team needs coaching that delivers results, don’t look far. Reach out, and let’s take you, your team, or your organization to the next level quickly. To learn more, https://theatozinstitute.com/coaching