18 Jan ለምን የግልም ሆነ የጋራ እድገታችን ዘገምተኛ ሆነ?
In this short clip, I showed how we Ethiopians don’t leverage the learning industry as much as we should. Though the US and Ethiopia are in different stages of development and have differing cultural attributes, I gave some numbers to show how we’re far behind in terms of tapping into Consultants, Coaches, and Speakers.
The US has over 300 million population, while Ethiopia has over 100 million people. In the US, there are:
a. 2.5 million consultants,
b. 34, 000 life coaches,
c. 44, 000 motivational speakers, and
d. 80, 000 business coaches.
In Ethiopia? I don’t have the figures, but I don’t think we have more than:
1. 1, 000 consultants,
2. A couple of hundred coaches, and
3. A few dozen speakers. That is it!
Looking at these numbers, anyone can see that there is a problem…
The number disparity shows that this industry isn’t recognized, incentivized, and developed for our own peril.
This may be okay if the country and its citizens don’t care about development and competing regionally and globally.
There is no way that the country and its great people tap into their full potential without the support of this industry.
One practical example I gave in the clip to show the importance of learning professionals is the coming into the picture of foreign banks in Ethiopia following the recent policy change that may attract foreign banks.
I pointed out that the main discussion point among banking professionals is that these banks will come with loads of capital and the latest technologies to outcompete local banks. I challenged this assertion.
Though they will definitely use these to compete, they will also come with up-to-the-minute management and leadership practices, teams that function like well-oiled machines, and streamlined systems and processes too.
Watch the clip and let me know your thoughts…
If you would like to watch the entire clip where I attempted to answer the question: አነቃቂዎች፣አሰልጣኞች፣አማካሪዎች ያስፈልጉናል ወይ? https://youtu.be/niDdJQyVY4Y