02 Feb The Top 3 Success Principles

There are countless success laws. Out of these myriad success principles, I found out that there are 3 top foundational success principles. I discovered these when I was young in the early ’90s and practiced them in my own life and harvested some results. I also came to realize that those underdogs I studied in my latest 2 books, who transformed their lives into greats, applied these success secrets.
In this blog, I’ll share with you these 3 top success principles and how they reinforce one another to deliver extraordinary results:
- Seeing your unlimited potential and how far you can go in life
- Talking right to bring forth what you have seen and hoped to achieve during your lifetime
- Acting on what you saw and spoke about
Let me quickly explain to you these principles:
1. Seeing your unlimited potential and how far you can go in life. Success and greatness begins with ‘seeing’. You cannot believe what you couldn’t ‘see’ with your inner eye. Unfortunately, many depend on their bare eyes. Since what they see with their naked eyes doesn’t look, feel, and sound like great, they don’t believe that they have greatness within. As a result, they cannot fathom the unlimited potential they carry within, and therefore, they don’t speak and act that match their limitless potential. Use your insight to envision your limitless potential before you manifest them. See your potential right now because what you see determines how you handle yourself. Don’t allow others who cannot see your potential define who you are and how far you can go. Your future is glorious and will surprise and stun you if you open your eyes and ‘see’ your limitless potential. I can tell you that I’ve not become anything I didn’t see and believed years earlier. None of the major events in my life happened before I seeing them years, sometimes months earlier. I’m sure, what I’m seeing now will come to pass if I continue to talk about and take action.
2. Talking right to bring forth what you have seen and hoped to achieve during your lifetime. After seeing your potential and how far you can go, the next important step is to believe in what you saw. Let me give you a litmus test whether you saw and believed in your potential and how far you can go: You cannot help it but speak what you saw. Your faith on your potential and abilities can’t be seen. However, your words can be heard, and your actions can be seen. Talking right is not just for merely saying it or to brag about it. It is a principle for which you yourself, others, the universe, and God to respond. Once you talk about a thing, you are committed both consciously and unconsciously. Even if you forget about what you talk consciously, your subconscious won’t forget it. Your talk not only inspires you to take a risk and act boldly, but it also influences people who listen to you. You get your partners and supporters who share your vision if and only if they hear talk about it. The universe and God respond to your positive confessions.
3. Acting on what you saw and spoke about. This principle seals everything. Yes, you saw your potential no one could see. You believed that you could become whatever you want to be. You were so obsessed and confident that you began speaking first with the people very close to you. Others might think that you are cocky, overconfident, arrogant, or even prideful. It doesn’t matter. Who are these people? Sometimes we value people on face value. Yes, we need to respect people and serve them. However, when it comes to giving your ears and heart, ask who deserve it? What is their credential? Have the accomplished something? Do they have authenticity in the area they are talking about? Otherwise, you are listening to a bunch of theorists who don’t have any clue about what they are talking. Why would you listen to the people who didn’t see what you saw? Why would you kill your vision in the hands of skeptics? Why would you deny your potential and destiny a fair chance by listening to people who aren’t going anywhere and without any hope? Ignore these and begin acting boldly. Somehow, I got lucky at the early stage of my life to take actions. I acted like a kid. I didn’t overthink things or run in my head worrying what would happen if I fail. I kept the discipline to go out and take action once I take my time to strategize and plan.
Going forward, I will produce episodes that empower underdogs who either promoted themselves (by opening their own practice or business) or promoted for the first time into a new leadership position. Many organizations arrange workshops and assign coaches and mentors for such first-timers. If your organization doesn’t sponsor you or you cannot sponsor yourself to go to such empowering programs, hire a coach or mentor, which could allow you to start your new position with the right footing.
If you like what you have read so far, I encourage you to watch Episode 5- The 3 Top Success Principles. In this episode, I pointed out how what we see dictates what we believe, talk, and finally act. Using my own story from more than 2 decades ago as I was preparing and contesting to become the president of the largest university students’ union, I shared how I applied these principles without even knowing it, and got elected when I was a third-year student. If you don’t know me this episode enables you to know a piece of my past history. You would find this story funny but at the same time powerful for a college student.
If you haven’t yet, subscribe to this channel, its podcast, share it with the people that you care about, continue to engage with me on social media as I further share daily inspirational posts on this the same theme. Go to www.assegid.com to follow me on social media. Stay tuned for the next episode.
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