Take your career and business to the next level- April 26 2022

If you feel like you hit a wall in your career or business; if you think that you don’t have what it takes to go to the next level; if you lowered your bar because of continual setbacks; if believe that you’re unprepared or ill-prepared to go to the next height; you’re not alone.

Many fold their wings and settle where they are for various reasons, some of which are justifiable, at least for them.

Very few are proactive and intentional to raise their own bars and go to the next level whether they feel ready or not.

Please join me and other panelists on April 26 at the Hotel at the University of Maryland as we talk about how to stay relevant and take lead for the future success.

Besides, I’ll be facilitating a breakout session where I’ll be sharing my own stories of how I mistakenly overstayed or justified lowering my bars, and how I got awakened a few times from my ‘hibernation’ ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ll also share stories of people from diverse cultures who refused to settle, kept raising their own bars, and advanced in their careers and business to serve the world with world-class excellence. You too can join these elites.

You’ll also get some insights, models, and practical approaches and strategies to configure/reconfigure your mentality and sharpen some of the competencies, and personality traits necessary to make a quantum leap without settling where you are or just making incremental progress.

Watch the attached short (~1:30 seconds) video clip above which offers you a glimpse of the theme and some discussion points I will be covering in the panel discussion and the breakout session.

To learn more about the event and register, go to https://www.mpireconex.org/

ReConnex2022 #MPI #PMIPotomac #NextLevel #NextHeight #QuantumLeap #ItIsYourTurn