30 Aug Sun Tzu quote in Overcoming 1st Timer Syndrome
The 1st Timer Syndrome affected, and may still be affecting most of us, whether we’re emerging or seasoned leaders. The difference is the degree to which it impacts us and how long it takes us to overcome it whenever we are placed into a new leadership role.
The 1st antidote to lessen the impact and shorten the lifespan of the syndrome is to ‘Know Your Place’, Chapter 1. This chapter begins by quoting one of the most recognized military strategists, Sun Tzu, who said, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”
One can quickly deal with visible and/or hidden fear as a result of the syndrome by knowing one’s new place of leadership very well, and if possible ahead of stepping into the new role. In this chapter, I shared the most important knowledge you need, the questions to ask, and where to get the answers.
If you haven’t yet, place your order and get a copy, and even give a gift to someone you know who is a first-timer. Click the cover and it will take you to Amazon:
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