01 Nov Excerpt- Values-driven organization
“… Except our organization is values-driven, our chance to remain competitive in our industry is nil. Even though we may be able to compete, we cannot outshine and outlast our competitors without creating and leading a values-driven organization. More than any single factor, the lack of values-driven leaders threatens the survival and advancement of a given community, organization, society, and humanity at large. In short, we- individually and collectively, are helpless without embracing and demonstrating unwavering commitment toward our own and universal values…” Taken from ‘The Highest Level Greatness: Purpose-oriented, vision-centered, and values-driven greatness’.
For more, check this page: https://www.successpws.com/highestlevel
#TheHighestLevelOfGreatness #Greatness #Purpose #Vision #Values #Purposeoriented #visioncentered #valuesdriven #innereye #ValuesDrivenOrganization