31 Aug Edith Eger quote in Overcoming 1st Timer Syndrome
Chapter 2 (Own Your Place) of Overcoming 1st Timer Syndrome began quoting Edith Eva Eger, Holocaust survivor and psychologist, who asserted: “To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself. And to trust that there is enough, that you are enough.”
Many first-timers feel unprepared, not enough, and inadequate when they are placed in a new leadership role. And therefore, they become tentative, hesitant, passive, and even pushover and as a result fail to assert and be in charge the sooner to succeed at their new leadership role.
The chapter shows first-time leaders how to increase their self-regard by demonstrating confidence in their words, decisions, and actions from the get-go; how to overcome imposter syndrome; how to become assertive without appearing cocky or like a bully; and how to set boundaries by setting parameters, deciding interactions, and setting expectations from the start. In short, the chapter shows them that it is possible to be confident while remaining humble.
To learn more about the book such as its Synopsis, Preface, Outline, Praises, Who will Benefit, Press Release, and son on check this link: https://www.successpws.com/overcoming-1st-timer-syndrome-synopsis
To place your order and/or share this empowering resource to new Team Leaders, Supervisors, Project Managers, and Business Owners you know, here is the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Overcoming-1st-Timer-Syndrome-first-time/dp/1947524127/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
If you have already order and got a chance to read the book, I’d appreciate it if you share your honest review to encourage other readers to check it out. Looking forward to getting your feedback.
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