28 Aug David Burkus’ Endorsement
Thank you very much, David Burkus, for endorsing my book! It seems like yesterday. Dave and I met when we were doing our doctoral degree. Since then, he has been making extraordinary impacts through his books, TED Talks, and Keynotes. David is Thinker50 ranked thought leader and author of Leading From Anywhere.
Here is what Dave said about the book: “Whether you’re a first-time or a seasoned leader struggling with 1st timer syndrome, this book will give you the practical tools you can use to find your intrinsic value and create even more value for those you lead.”
The book is now available both in Kindle and Paperback versions and was Amazon’s #1 Hot New Release.
Today you can get the kindle version just for .99 USD.
Share the book with new team leaders, supervisors, project managers, and business owners you know so that they may take advantage of the promotional price.
#Overcoming1stTimerSyndrome #EmergingLeaders #newmanagers #NewSupervisors #NewTeamLeaders #NewBusinessOwners #FirstTimeProjectManager #FisrtTimeSupervisor #FirstTimeTeamLeader #EmergingLeader