26 Jan Becoming a Person of Deeds
Have you been asking yourself why people- some even aren’t smarter than you, achieving more than you do? Have you been wondering why you aren’t getting what you believe and speak about? Have you been sick and tired of the inconsistencies between what you talk about and what manifests? In this Episode- Becoming a Person of Deeds, you’ll be introduced to the power of actions in translating your dreams into realities.
At the early stage of my leadership, I learned one seemingly simple but powerful lesson. If you ask me what helped me to get where I’m in life pursuing my passion; if you ask me how come a guy like me with so many disadvantages came to the US and started from scratched to get where I’m now traveling around the country empowering leaders, it doesn’t take me to think a lot. It was my decision to act on whatever I learned right away. Yes, even now, I still need to learn more, to go to the next level. However, with what I know so far, I have been taking actions, sometimes, with little knowledge.

When I started it all, I didn’t have the clarity I shared in this episode. I was desperate to change my life. I was living in one of the poorest villages in Ethiopia without many options to improve my life. I didn’t have the vast information and opportunities I’ve now in the US. Out of desperation and eagerness to transform my life, I didn’t wait. I didn’t care whether people would laugh at me or not. I cared less about whether I looked foolish.
Now, I can tell you boldly that you cannot succeed in life, especially if you are an underdog with so many disadvantages unless you become a person of deeds. You must despise the shame that comes from taking actions. You must be willing to look stupid in the face of setbacks when some of your actions fail to deliver the results you originally anticipated. If your desire in this world, as you live in it only once, is to lead a fulfilling life, career, and business, you must dare and willing to experience failure, again and again.
Don’t forget. Only a person of action fails. Those who are too careful, yes, they may not fail because they don’t act, but they go nowhere. They are prisoners of their own fear. They paralyze themselves imagining the worst from their actions, and as a result, they leash their soul depriving themselves of a chance to succeed in what they do. They never live fully, serve the world with their uniqueness, and ultimately die empty leaving a legacy that outlast them. Don’t take this road. Choose to become a person of deeds.
Before I proceed; let me create a connection between the previous episodes and this one. The past episodes encouraged you to:
- Believe in your unlimited potential,
- Recognize the uniqueness that predisposes you to excel, and
- Appreciate the power of talking right even in the midst of facing setbacks and while things look bad.
In this episode, you will learn the importance of backing your beliefs and talk with proportionate actions. There must be a match between your beliefs, words, and deeds. Many people aren’t getting what they desperately want mainly because there is a disconnection somewhere in the process. When you get this principle, and most importantly, use it, you will never remain the same.
Think about the Farmer and Seeds analogy I shared with you in one of the previous episodes. The Farmer believes in his seeds and their potential. He keeps speaking about when he will sow them and the results he would harvest once they turn into seedlings, plants, flowers, and then harvest at the end of that season. However, it is useless if he just had a strong belief and the right talking about the seeds. Until he puts them into the soil, nothing will happen. He must take one action after another until he gets what he wants.
What so ever great potential the seeds might have, what so ever positive confessions he would make about turning the seeds into harvest, nothing comes out of those seeds and his empty talks until he takes action.
The same with you and I. Yes, we are underdogs. Regardless, we believe that we have unlimited potential. We also began talking right (we covered this in the last episode). So far, so good! However, the equation isn’t yet complete without becoming a person of deeds. You and I will remain underdogs without backing our beliefs and talks with bold deeds.
Once I heard someone sharing a true but funny story. A new convert fanatic religious man was so reckless that he missed the sowing season deliberately. He waited till the last minutes, only weeks left before the harvest season. That was only then he went out borrowing hundreds of thousands of dollars to sow his seed in his vast farm. He thought his belief alone can violate the universal truth of sowing and reaping, and risked it all to find out that the seeds couldn’t even break through the soil, let alone to flourish and deliver results. It was awesome he had great faith and for sure he was speaking what he believed but he didn’t take the proper action when it mattered the most. As a result, he lost his farm for creditors 🙂
Okay, this guy is fanatic and went to the extreme. Were there times we too neglected to match our actions with our beliefs and talk when it mattered the most? How many times have we missed the boat? Looking back, how many times we hesitated to act and now we regret badly?
Looking back, I’ve many ‘regrets’ because I hesitated and failed to act. Of course, I cannot change what happened. I failed. I was complacent. Nonetheless, today, what matters the most for me is to become a person of deeds and take as many actions as possible. I don’t want to be known for my beliefs and talks alone. I want to back it up by becoming a person of deeds. What about you?
If your desire is to tap into your limitless potential and bridge the gap between what you believe and talk, and witness the ultimate manifestations you desperately need, become a person of deeds. And, this episode inspires, equips, and encourages you to go out and start this rewarding journey one action at a time…
Speaking your future and what you desire is one thing but totally useless without backing it up with actions, sometimes, bold and massive actions. And, you have what it takes. You just need to develop the right mindset and habit…
Unfortunately, many, some because of faulty teachings, ignore or neglect deeds. For instance, I was a student of the Law of Attraction. I watched the Secret movie and joined the movement practicing talking right to attract the right things. I got some results right away but slowly, as many discovered it, I realized that I couldn’t get everything I desire by just wishing. I recognized that I couldn’t attract everything I wish without backing it up with proportionate deeds like the new convert fanatic religious man I mentioned earlier. It also occurred to me that I couldn’t actually violate some universal laws to get what I desire just because I have the belief to attract. For example, I cannot drop the sun out of the sky just because I believe it happens. I cannot also see the coming picture of my dreams without taking proper actions and on time. Taking action isn’t solely about the activity, it is also about the timing. Some truths, insights, and opportunities expire unless we enact them in a timely manner.
Action is proof that you actually have faith in your words…
In Episode 4, I showed a connection between belief, words, and actions. Using some practical analogies, examples, and stories, I made sure you are well equipped to become a person of deeds. Remember, you cannot turn yourself from an underdog to great without action. Not just any action, sometimes bold and massive actions. By the way, in my book- ‘Unchain Your Greatness’, I talked about the 4Es of greatness- Explore, Enact, Endure, and Emancipate your greatness to the fullest. In Part II of the book- Enact on the truths you discovered, I narrated some stories of the great ones from diverse cultures and generations you and I admire, and how they were enacted based on their discoveries quickly and boldly. Let me stop it here.
If you like what you have read so far, I encourage you to watch Episode 4- Becoming a Person of Deeds. In this episode, I pointed out how what we believe and say must be backed with deeds. I used two analogies- car driving and ship maneuvering to explain the significance of taking action. In this episode, I also used some examples and weaved my own experience.
If you haven’t yet, subscribe to this channel, its podcast, share it with the people that you care about, continue to engage with me on social media as I further share daily inspirational posts on this the same theme. Go to www.assegid.com to follow me on social media. Stay tuned for the next episode.
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