31 Aug John Maxwell quote in Overcoming 1st Timer Syndrome
One of the leadership experts who influenced me the most is John C. Maxwell. I read his books, listened to many of his interviews, and still watch his videos on a regular basis.
Here is an excerpt from page 105 of Overcoming 1st Timer Syndrome, Amazon’s #1 Hot New Release since its release date on August 26th, where I shared one of the lessons I learned from him: “I remember working on my listening, starting at level 1 and moving to level 2, and then to level 3. One method I used, which I copied from leadership guru John C. Maxwell, was when I went out to meet people, I would write on the top right corner of my notebook the capital letter ‘L’, to remind me to listen. I remember the struggle I had to grow from level 1 to level 2. When working on level 3 listening, I remember paying attention to my own and to other’s emotions and non-verbal body language. I still work on this last stage of listening, but I’ve come a long way.”
To learn more about the book including editorial reviews and get your copy, go to Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Overcoming-1st-Timer-Syndrome-first-time/dp/1947524127/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
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