03 Apr Emotional Fitness in Crisis
One of the most important competencies we all need to survive, outlast & even thrive during a crisis is our emotional fitness. If you have invested in your emotional fitness ahead of the curve, you’ve now the emotional resilience and the ability to withstand the direct and indirect stress this pandemic unleashed against all of us.
This is especially high time to have emotionally fit healthcare professionals, law enforcement personnel, and leaders who are making tough calls. If they haven’t developed this competency already or not willing to do so now, we’re in big trouble as a society! The general public may panic, afraid, stressed & emotionally unbalanced, it is expected in such tough times.
The frustrating thing is that these professionals and leaders have been already overstretched and we taxed them heavily before even the advent of COVID19. Now, on top of what was going on against them in terms of workload, they have to deal with many of us who are under distress! History now put on their shoulder a responsibility to serve their respective society and lead them to survive and outlast this monster.
The point is, more than ever, we need EMOTIONALLY FIT Healthcare and Law Enforcement professionals and Leaders. As a learning professional who has been empowering leaders to develop emotional resilience, I had been passionate whenever I facilitated workshops and webinars on the theme of Emotional Intelligence. Now, I’m supercharged to play my little share as we empower our clients to develop their emotional resilience during this crisis.
In January, when I was in Canada, I recorded a few minutes video clip on my cell phone about Emotional Fitness. Watch it and let me know your thoughts and how your emotional fitness has been helping you overcome stress, challenges, and crisis: