25 Jan Emotional Fitness
This weekend, there will be 2 empowering growth opportunities that are coming your way:
1) Weekly blog
2) Episode 4
To get the blog via email, you need to sign up. To get notified when the Episode is uploaded, you need to subscribe to my show. If you haven’t yet, go to www.assegid.com to signup & subscribe.
Don’t miss any growth opportunities I’m offering. Remember, I’m paid for these insights, tools & perspectives I’m sharing with you for free. Don’t forget. It’s not free for me. It costs me my scariest resource- time. I’m doing it to empower underdogs like you by dedicating my weekend time.
Believing that you may not afford to pay for workshops & coaching sessions, I’m offering you growth opportunities until you can afford it. Thus, don’t take this offer lightly. Use it to grow, become better, go ahead of the curve, & take your life, career, & business to the next level. And then, you could afford our services ?
Don’t also forget to like, comment, ask… Engage! That is how growth comes.
Share the blogs & Episodes with your network. Remember, it just takes an insight, a story, a case study, or a tool for someone to get unstuck or go to the next height. Don’t just keep it for yourself. Don’t deny people the opportunity to transform their lives. I’m sharing here what I know because there may be 1 person who may benefit from what I share & in turn improve his/her life. This person could be at the edge of his/her life, desperate, helpless, hopeless, out of options, and so on. You don’t know who you are impacting with your generous sharing. Thus, share, share, share…
While you’re waiting for the blog in your inbox & your clip’s notification on YouTube, enjoy this powerful message I shared about the importance of Emotional Fitness while in Canada…