14 Feb Happy Valentine Day
As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, let’s use the occasion to celebrate an enduring VALUE that transcends time and space.
1. Love initiated creation.
2. Love sustains the universe.
3. Love launched the family of God- humanity.
Only love enables us to transcend humanity’s current evolutionary stage. It seems we’re stuck! We lack LOVE…
We are where we’re now and the mess we’re experiencing individually and collectively is because of the lower level of love that we’ve to:
a. Our Creator (the Author and Embodiment of LOVE),
b. Ourselves, and
c. Others.
Only LOVE stops and prevents:
1) Violence,
2) War, and
3) Conflict…
As we express our unconditional love to our LOVERS, remember those who are hurting around the world- both those who cannot love or are unable to love.
• PRAY for them.
• If you’ve the authority and influence, SAY or DO something, at least today on this Valentine’s Day, that foster love (if not unconditional love) than hate and condemnations.
LOVE GIVES and also FORGIVES… Let’s do both, at least today…